
FTV 2013- 2014 Exco Recruitment

Make it Heard, Make it Fair- Join as our new blood to make a better future for all!

DOWNLOAD the application form at http://goo.gl/37Zgo.

Send your completed application (Word or PDF) together with your CV to fairtrade.hku@gmail.com on or before noon, 27 September (Friday).


1% vs 99% Program is Full

Thank you for the support. Special acknowledgments to
HKU General Education Unit & Crossroads Foundation.
Let's hope the Fair Trade message can be spread around HKU and beyond.


Registration-Oxfam Interactive Workshop (Jan 27)

Learn the story of coffee market where farmers only get 1% in total.
Understand more about the concept of Fair Trade.
Join our workshop by signing our form in following link:


Wealth Inequality workshop with General Education Unit HKU

The current economy is creating cycles of endless poverty for many globally.
To get a first hand experience of extreme poverty,
join the "1% vs 99%" program of HKU Gen Ed this semester!
Fair Trade Voice will co-organize the interactive workshop with Crossroads Foundation.